How to Get the Most out of Your John Deere Compact Utility Tractor

It’s no surprise that John Deere Compact Tractors are built to offer exceptional power, reliable parts and a simple operating experience. But did you know there are ways to fully optimize your tractor and boost its efficiency? We’ve got you covered. All it takes is regular maintenance and a few additional customizations.

Increase the Life of Your Tractor with Regular Service

You work hard, but your tractor works even harder to keep up with you. This is why routine maintenance is one of the most surefire ways to keep your tractor functioning at peak performance out in the fields. Think about it this way: if you go for regular checkups at the doctor’s office, shouldn’t you be doing the same for your tractor?
On top of identifying problems before you even notice them, regular service can also help find and fix small issues before they turn into big, money-eating problems. Not only are you saving your tractor from unnecessary wear-and-tear, but you’re also saving your wallet in the long-run. 
We know it can be hard to trust others with your equipment. That’s why we employ highly-skilled, highly-trained technicians that are dedicated to finding solutions for our customers here at Greenway Equipment. Whether you have equipment that needs maintenance or you need a regular inspection done to ensure it’s running smoothly, you can schedule your appointment online after requesting service.
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There are additional ways you can maintain your workhorse all on your own. After each use, it’s recommended that you check a few different indicators to make sure everything is normal. Here are three things to keep on your radar.
  1. Check oil. Make sure to change your tractor’s oil and oil filter about every 100 hours. In between changes, make it routine to check the level of the oil. If there isn’t enough, your engine may overheat.
  2. Check tires. Rock and debris can be stubborn out in the field, so it’s important to make sure your tires don’t have any leaks. 
  3. Check for dust and dirt. To keep small particles from making their way into the nooks and crannies of your equipment, give your tractor a good weekly cleaning.

Take Advantage of Greenway Equipment’s Maintenance Specials

We offer special deals on both maintenance and inspections so you can take advantage of affordable service. You can view our service promotions online, or you can reach out to our team for more information. We will be happy to answer any questions you have about your tractor or our specials. 

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Boost Efficiency with These Key Attachments

Maintenance isn’t the only way to get the most out of your compact utility tractor. We offer special attachments that allow you to customize your tractor to fit different needs. Let’s take a look at a couple of our most popular options.
  1. Canopies. We get it. The sun isn’t too forgiving during long workdays. Canopies can help fight off the hot rays while protecting from other elements as well. 
  2. Work Lights. The luxuries of daylight aren’t always an option when you are working from dawn to dusk. By attaching work lights to your mini tractor, you’ll be able to tackle jobs through impractical weather conditions.
It isn’t hard to keep your tractor running smoothly, especially when you put your trust in our team here at Greenway Equipment. We are here to look out for you well after your purchase. That’s why we work when you work.
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