Hero Section

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis eu lectus quis odio lobortis tristique.

Click Here

How to Use the Hero Widget:

The Hero Section above can be created by adding the Hero widget to you page. Here is how to do it!

While in the page editor, if the page is new start by clicking the Add Section button and select the option that says Hero

If you are adding the widget to an existing page click the “+” in the upper right corner and select the option that says Hero

Next, fill in the required information into the fields provided.

  1. Here is where you would place your desired image
  2. This option allows you to decide how that image will be displayed when the page is viewed on a mobile device
    • Underlay will place the image under the content with text on top
    • Stack will place the image below the text on the page so that the text does not cover the image
  3. This option will allow you to set the color that will appear behind the text in the Hero widget
  4. This is the Title that will appear on the card
  5. This is where you would put in the text you want displayed below the title
  6. These are the options for the Call to Action button
    1. Label is text that will appear on the button
    2. Type refers to the type of content the button is linking to. The options are: Post/Page, File, Link, and None
    3. This section will vary based off of the selection for Type
      • Post will allow you to choose a post or page on your website to link to
      • File will allow you to upload and link to a file
      • Link will allow you to link to an external site
      • None makes the button do nothing
    4. Style is the style of the button. The four options are:
      • Primary – The button will be the primary color of the company
      • Secondary – The button will be the secondary color of the company
      • Hollow – The button will have text and an outline but no filled color
      • Small – The text on the button will be smaller

Finally, click Publish to publish your new page or Update to update an existing one.


Content Columns

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis eu lectus quis odio lobortis tristique. Duis eu semper arcu. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

How to use the content columns widget:

The two column layout above was created with Content Columns widget, here is how to use it

While in the page editor, if the page is new start by clicking the Add Section button and select the option that says Content Columns

If you are adding the widget to an existing page click the “+” in the upper right corner and select the option that says Content Columns

Use the Vertical Alignment section to control how your columns will align with each-other, there are four options:

  • Top – all of the columns will align with the top of the tallest column leaving empty space below shorter columns
  • Center – The center line of the columns will align with each-other
    • *the example above uses center alignment, notice how the image does not align with the top or bottom of the paragraph
  • Bottom – all of the columns will align along the bottom of the tallest column leaving empty space above shorter columns
  • Stretch All – will stretch content to fill the section

Next you will start editing the Columns, the default is one column, to add more simply press the Add Column button in the bottom right corner

Click the triangle to the right of the column you want to edit to expand it, here you will see the options to set the width and add a section

*you can add any of the widgets displayed on this page to a column and use them the exact same way

When selecting the Width you can choose from the following options:

  • Full – column will take up the full width of the section
  • Half – column will take up half of the width of the section
  • Third – column will take up a third of the width of the section
  • Two Thirds – column will take up two thirds of the width of the section
  • Quarter – column will take up a quarter of the width of the section
  • Three Quarters – column will take up three quarters of the width of the section
  • Flex Content Wrap – column will adjust with screen size and wrap to the next line if needed
  • Grid 350 Wrap – column will adjust with screen size and wrap to the next line if needed

NOTE: If the columns widths do not fit on the screen they will be pushed down to the next row

(i.e. if column 1 is set to Quarter, column 2 is set to Three Quarters, and column 3 is set to Half, column 3 will display on a different row than columns 1 & 2)

Finally, click Publish to publish your new page or Update to update an existing one.


Text Callout. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis eu lectus quis odio lobortis tristique.

How to use the text callout widget:

Use the Text Callout widget (as seen above) to display important text in a large size in front of a green background.

Here is how to use it:

While in the page editor, if the page is new start by clicking the Add Section button and select the option that says Text Callout

If you are adding the widget to an existing page click the “+” in the upper right corner and select the option that says Text Callout

Then it is as simple as placing the text you want to callout in the text box

Finally, click Publish to publish your new page or Update to update an existing one.

Entry Content

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis eu lectus quis odio lobortis tristique. Duis eu semper arcu. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Fusce magna erat, tempor non maximus vitae, varius vitae purus. Nunc vulputate malesuada urna, vitae rutrum sapien varius eu. Donec hendrerit lacus et congue tempor. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque eget elementum justo, at malesuada dui.

  • List item 1
  • List item 2
  • List item 3

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis eu lectus quis odio lobortis tristique. Duis eu semper arcu. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

How to use the text editor widget:

Easily display text and image content like you see above with the Text Editor widget. Here is how to use it:

While in the page editor, if the page is new start by clicking the Add Section button and select the option that says Text Editor

If you are adding the widget to an existing page click the “+” in the upper right corner and select the option that says Text Editor

Using this widget is as easy as entering the content you want to display in the text area, but there are a few tools that will help your content be more dynamic:

  1. This button will allow you to add images or videos into the content block that you are creating
  2. This button will allow you to add a form to the content block that you are creating
  3. This drop down window contains some preset formatting options for different heading levels (the heading of this section was made using heading 2)
  4. These will make your text bold or italic
  5. These two options are for bulleted and numbered lists
  6. This will create a blocked quote which comes with its own stylings
  7. These are the text alignment options
  8. This tool will allow you to insert links into your text
  9. This tool inserts a read more break into the content
  10. This opens up additional text editing options if you need them
  11. Visual is the default option, but you can also switch to text if you need to edit the content in HTML

Finally, click Publish to publish your new page or Update to update an existing one.

Call To Action

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus orci libero, fringilla ut facilisis sit amet, sagittis et risus. Sed quis ligula vitae odio pellentesque semper.

Click Here

How to Use the Call to Action Widget:

Above is the Call to Action widget. Here is how to use it:

While in the page editor, if the page is new start by clicking the Add Section button and select the option that says Call to Action

If you are adding the widget to an existing page click the “+” in the upper right corner and select the option that says Call to Action

Next, fill in the required information into the fields provided.

  1. Here is where you would place your desired image
  2. This is the Title that will appear on the card
  3. This is where you would put in the text you want displayed below the title
  4. These are the options for the Call to Action button
    1. Label is text that will appear on the button
    2. Type refers to the type of content the button is linking to. The options are: Post/Page, File, Link, and None
    3. This section will vary based off of the selection for Type
      • Post will allow you to choose a post or page on your website to link to
      • File will allow you to upload and link to a file
      • Link will allow you to link to an external site
      • None makes the button do nothing
    4. Style is the style of the button. The four options are:
      • Primary – The button will be the primary color of the company
      • Secondary – The button will be the secondary color of the company
      • Hollow – The button will have text and an outline but no filled color
      • Small – The text on the button will be smaller

Finally, click Publish to publish your new page or Update to update an existing one.


Ready to see what you can build?

Build Your Own Tractor Here!

How to Use the Slim CTA Widget:

As it’s name implies, the Slim CTA widget is a slimmed down call to action option. Here is how to use it:

While in the page editor, if the page is new start by clicking the Add Section button and select the option that says Slim CTA

If you are adding the widget to an existing page click the “+” in the upper right corner and select the option that says Slim CTA

Next, fill in the required information into the fields provided.

  1. This is the Title that will appear on the call to action
  2. These are the options for the Call to Action button
    1. Label is text that will appear on the button
    2. Type refers to the type of content the button is linking to. The options are: Post/Page, File, Link, and None
    3. This section will vary based off of the selection for Type
      • Post will allow you to choose a post or page on your website to link to
      • File will allow you to upload and link to a file
      • Link will allow you to link to an external site
      • None makes the button do nothing

Finally, click Publish to publish your new page or Update to update an existing one.

100 Years of John Deere Tractors

How to Use the Featured Story / Promotion Widget:

Above is an example of the Featured Story / Promotion widget, it is featuring a post titled “100 Years of John Deere Tractors”

Here is how to use it:

While in the page editor, if the page is new start by clicking the Add Section button and select the option that says Featured Story / Promotion

If you are adding the widget to an existing page click the “+” in the upper right corner and select the option that says Featured Story / Promotion

Then it is as simple as selecting the post or promotion that you want to feature using the drop down window.

Finally, click Publish to publish your new page or Update to update an existing one.

How to Use the Card Grid Widget:

Above is an example of the Card Grid widget.

Here is how to use it:

While in the page editor, if the page is new start by clicking the Add Section button and select the option that says Card Grid

If you are adding the widget to an existing page click the “+” in the upper right corner and select the option that says Card Grid

The first option you will come across is the Link Style, as the name suggests this will allow you select the style of the links that appear on the cards. There are two option:

  1. Normal – the card will have links across the bottom that act like clickable buttons (this is the option demonstrated above)
  2. Reveal – the card will have links that are not visible until the user hovers over the card

The second option will be to select the Grid Style, this will determine how the cards will be displayed on the page. There are once again only two options:

  1. Masonry – the cards will layout in a 2 dimensional layout (vertically, and horizontally) to create a more stylized look (this is the option demonstrated above)
  2. Row – the cards will layout in a row across the page (when choosing this option you will be limited to 4 cards in your selection)

Next you will get to style your cards, you start with 2 cards in the grid but you can add more depending on which Grid Style you choose in the step above.

Every Card will have 3 section for you to fill out:

  1. Image – select the image that you want to display on your card
  2. Link – this will allow you to enter the destination URL for where you want the link to go, the text you want to display on the button that appears, or search for existing content on your site to link to
  3. Special Deal – checking this option will put a banner in the corner of the card that says “Special Offer!”

Finally, click Publish to publish your new page or Update to update an existing one.

How to Use the Special Promotions Widget:

Above is an example of the Special Promotions widget. Use this widget to highlight a promotion that you want to put extra emphasis on.

Here is how to use it:

While in the page editor, if the page is new start by clicking the Add Section button and select the option that says Special Promotions

If you are adding the widget to an existing page click the “+” in the upper right corner and select the option that says Special Promotions

Once you have the Special Promotions widget added to the page it is as simple as searching through the list of promotions and clicking on the one you want to promote.

Note: You can add more than one promotion if needed. The promotions will be displayed on separate cards and displayed next to one another.

If you need to remove a promotion that is no longer active, simply hover over the promotion you wish to delete and hit the minus(-) that pops up to the right of the promotion.

Finally, click Publish to publish your new page or Update to update an existing one.

Product Slider

How To Use the Product Slider Widget:

Above is an example of the Product Slider widget, it is a nice way to display multiple products outside of the normal showroom.

Here is how to use it:

While in the page editor, if the page is new start by clicking the Add Section button and select the option that says Product Slider

If you are adding the widget to an existing page click the “+” in the upper right corner and select the option that says Product Slider

Once you have the Product Slider widget added to the page you will need to make selections for the following options:

  1. The Heading will display above the product slider on the page, this can say whatever you want it to (for our example it simply says “Product Slider”)
  2. Next, you will need to select the Type of product to display in the product slider, the two options for this are:
    1. Category – this will allow you to select the product category to display (the example above has the category “Honda” selected)
    2. Featured – this will display featured products
  3. Display allows you to select how the product cards will be laid out, there are two options:
    1. Horizontal – This will display the products with the description next to the image on a card oriented horizontally (this will display up to three cards at a time)
    2. Vertical – This will display the products with the description below the image on a card oriented vertically (this will display up to six cards at a time)
  4. The Category section at the bottom will only display if you have Category selected in the Type field, and it allows you to select the category of product you want to display on the slider

Finally, click Publish to publish your new page or Update to update an existing one.

How To Use the Thumbnail Grid Widget:

Above is an example of the Thumbnail Grid widget, here is how to use it:

While in the page editor, if the page is new start by clicking the Add Section button and select the option that says Thumbnail Grid

If you are adding the widget to an existing page click the “+” in the upper right corner and select the option that says Thumbnail Grid

Once you have the Thumbnail Grid widget added to the page you will see this:

You can add a heading in the Heading section that will appear centered above the thumbnail grid (our example above says “Thumbnail Grid”)

You also start out with three empty Item sections that are your thumbnails. They each have two sections:

  1. Image is where you will select the image you wish to display in the thumbnail
  2. Link will allow you to enter the destination URL for where you want the link to go, the text you want to display on the button that appears, or search for existing content on your site to link to

Finally, click Publish to publish your new page or Update to update an existing one.

This is caption text for the above image.

How To Use the Image Widget:

Above you can see an example of the Image widget. Here is how to use it:

While in the page editor, if the page is new start by clicking the Add Section button and select the option that says Image

If you are adding the widget to an existing page click the “+” in the upper right corner and select the option that says Image

There are only two sections you need to fill out to set this widget up,

  1. Image – this is where you will select the image you want the widget to display
  2. Caption – this is where you will set the caption that will display below the image

Finally, click Publish to publish your new page or Update to update an existing one.

Customer Support

We’ve opened a Customer Contact Center to help you with all your Greenway needs!

Call (888) 237-7447

How To Use the Customer Support Widget:

Above you will find an example of the Customer Support widget. Here is how to use it:

While in the page editor, if the page is new start by clicking the Add Section button and select the option that says Customer Support

If you are adding the widget to an existing page click the “+” in the upper right corner and select the option that says Customer Support

Once you have the widget added to the page you will see that it has a message saying “This layout will automatically display customer support call to action section using information from the Contact Information section of your theme options.”

This means that as long as your Contact Information is up to date there is nothing else you need to do for this widget.

If you want to check your Contact Information, go to Theme Settings on the left hand side of your screen.

Then under Site Settings at the top click on the Customer Support option to see the image, contact number, and customer support message that will display on the customer support widget.

Finally, click Publish to publish your new page or Update to update an existing one.

How To Use the Video Widget:

Above you can see an example of the Video widget. Here is how to use it:

While in the page editor, if the page is new start by clicking the Add Section button and select the option that says Video

If you are adding the widget to an existing page click the “+” in the upper right corner and select the option that says Video

The Video Widget has four main sections:

  1. Upload – this will allow you to select a video file that you have uploaded to the media library of your site
  2. Embed – this allows you to embed the url to a video from a different source (i.e YouTube)
  3. Controls – this is where you will find all of the video control options, we will go over these in more depth in a moment
  4. Caption – this is where you will enter the caption that appears under the video if you want one

The Controls section has five setting that you can control, they are:

  1. Loop – if you select yes the video will automatically try to play again when it ends
  2. Autoplay – this setting has three options:
    1. Yes – will set the video to play automatically when the page loads
    2. Scroll – will set the video to play automatically as the user scrolls down to it
    3. No – will set the video to not play automatically
  3. Full Width – if you set the slider to Yes the video will grow to fit the size of the container that it is in
  4. Width/Height – you can use these two settings to manually set the width and height of the video, if it is left blank the video will default to 640 pixels wide and the height will scale based on the width(in this case the height is 360 pixels)
  5. Alignment – allows you to select if you want the video to align on the left, center, or right side of the page

Finally, click Publish to publish your new page or Update to update an existing one.

Feature 1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus orci libero, fringilla ut facilisis sit amet, sagittis et risus.

Click Here

Feature 2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus orci libero, fringilla ut facilisis sit amet, sagittis et risus. Sed quis ligula vitae odio pellentesque semper.

Click Here 2

Feature 3

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Click Here 3

How To Use the Features Widget:

Above you can see an example of the Features widget. Here is how to use it:

While in the page editor, if the page is new start by clicking the Add Section button and select the option that says Features

If you are adding the widget to an existing page click the “+” in the upper right corner and select the option that says Features

The first thing you will need to set is the Layout of the features section. You have two layout options:

  1. Normal – the features will have no background (the example above
  2. Cards – the features will have a light gray background

Next, click the  Add Feature button

You can add multiple features to this widget and they will all have the same customization options. There are four options to customize the feature:

  1. Icon – you can select from a list of icon images with the drop down menu that is provided
  2. Title – this is the title of the feature that will appear under the icon
  3. Text – the text description that will appear below the title of the feature
  4. Learn More Link – will allow you to enter the destination URL for where you want the link to go, the text you want to display on the button that appears, or search for existing content on your site to link to

Finally, click Publish to publish your new page or Update to update an existing one.

Request More Information - Equipment

How To Use the Contact Form Widget:

Above you can see an example of the Contact Form Widget. Here is how to use it:

While in the page editor, if the page is new start by clicking the Add Section button and select the option that says Contact Form

If you are adding the widget to an existing page click the “+” in the upper right corner and select the option that says Contact Form

Once you have the Contact Form widget added to your page there are three options for you to use to display the form:

  1. Type the Form ID you wish to use. You can find the form ID by going to the forms under the Theme Settings  on the left navigation
  2. Display Title – checking yes will display the title of the form that was set when creating the form
  3. Display Description – checking yes will display the description of the form that was set when creating the form

Here is where to find the forms under Theme Settings:

John Smith

Senior VP of Sales

How To Use the Contact Card Widget:

Above is an example of a Contact Card widget. You can use this widget when you want to include contact information for a specific person.

Here is how to use it:

While in the page editor, if the page is new start by clicking the Add Section button and select the option that says Contact Card

If you are adding the widget to an existing page click the “+” in the upper right corner and select the option that says Contact Card

Once you have the Contact Card widget added to your page you will have eight sections to fill out:

  1. Title – here you can set the title of the contact card, in this case this is where the name of the individual being contacted goes
  2. Subtitle – here you can set the subtitle for the contact card, in this case this is the job title of the individual being contacted
  3. Phone – here you can designate a phone number to appear on the contact card
  4. Email – here you can designate an email, this will be hidden by default
  5. Hours – you can enter the hours the person or department is available
  6. Image – you can add an image of the person you are creating a contact card for
  7. Alignment – this will determine how the card will align on the page. The four options are:
    1. Left  – card will align left
    2. Center  – card will align in the center
    3. Right – card will align right
    4. Full – card will grow to fill the container
  8. Display Full Email – this option will change the default “Email Me” button to display the contacts email address instead

Finally, click Publish to publish your new page or Update to update an existing one.

Customer Support

We’ve opened a Customer Contact Center to help you with all your Greenway needs!

Call (888) 237-7447
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